Misnomers/right to life

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Revision as of 19:42, 7 January 2016 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (things that lower abortion rates)
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Apparently, you only have a "right to life" until you're born.

The "right to life" movement isn't at all about anyone having a right to their own lives. It is about enslaving women through their reproductive organs, forcing pregnant women to give birth, regardless of the cost, as often as possible.

A movement that was truly about supporting people's right to life would advocate for:

things that people who are pro-life should be advocating
  • abolishment of capital punishment
  • abolishment of war
  • gun control
  • adequate public healthcare and education, especially for children
  • a stronger social safety net

While some right-to-life advocates may admit to supporting some of the above, this is never the focus of their advocacy. They are typically more concerned about maximizing birth rates, at any cost, among those who buy into their propaganda.

