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Below is a list of all page moves.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 22:17, 1 July 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Myths/electric cars cause more pollution than standard cars to Myths/electric cars pollute more than standard cars (shorter)
- 14:46, 9 June 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page CWRE:Myths/taxation is theft to Myths/taxation is theft without leaving a redirect (take two...)
- 14:45, 9 June 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page CWRE:Needed pages/myths/taxation is theft to CWRE:Myths/taxation is theft (this is solid enough to be a page now)
- 18:39, 2 June 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Irrelevancies/a sign isn't going to stop a criminal from carrying a gun to Irrelevancies/a sign isn't going to stop a criminal (more general)
- 23:25, 31 May 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Political power comes from technology to Technology creates power (more succinct)
- 21:31, 21 March 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Discipline of constant dealings to Marketism/discipline of constant dealings (this is a marketist term)
- 17:00, 18 March 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Free-marketism to Marketism (after much consideration, a rename seemed in order)
- 20:03, 7 March 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Minimum wage vs. jobs/raising to Myths/raising the minimum wage hurts jobs (I guess the "myths" page didn't exist yet...)
- 16:00, 28 February 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Belief challenges/Bipartisan equivalence to Belief challenges/Party Equivalence (better name)
- 22:39, 21 January 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Myths/complaints about income inequality are just greed to Myths/complaints about economic disparity are just greed without leaving a redirect (more general/accurate description)
- 17:10, 11 January 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Perception-oriented thinking to Perception-based thinking (I keep wanting to use "based" instead of "oriented")
- 14:15, 11 January 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Myths/2008 mortgage crisis/Clinton to Myths/Bill Clinton helped cause the 2008 mortgage crisis without leaving a redirect (canonical title format)
- 13:59, 11 January 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Myths/Bill Clinton admits blame for causing the mortgage crisis to Myths/Bill Clinton admitted blame for causing the mortgage crisis without leaving a redirect (past tense)
- 22:24, 2 January 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Background/control of knowledge is control of action to Control of knowledge is control of action without leaving a redirect (decided to remove "background" section)
- 22:23, 2 January 2015 Woozle talk contribs moved page Background/voting with dollars to Voting with dollars without leaving a redirect (decided there's no point to "background" section)
- 20:20, 26 December 2014 Woozle talk contribs moved page Myths/spending under Obama is out of control to Myths/Obama/federal budget (generalizing this)
- 21:41, 13 December 2014 Woozle talk contribs moved page Free marketism to Free-marketism (decided to make the hyphenated variant canonical)
- 21:48, 4 December 2014 Woozle talk contribs moved page Myths/Solyndra was a scandal to Fake scandals/Solyndra without leaving a redirect (reorganizing -- fake scandals now separate from myths)
- 23:30, 3 December 2014 Woozle talk contribs moved page Myths/government spending is out of control/record debt to Myths/federal debt is now at an all-time high without leaving a redirect (decided this was a myth in its own right)
- 20:10, 10 November 2014 Woozle talk contribs moved page Conservatroll to Conservatrollism (noun form)
- 22:03, 18 October 2014 Woozle talk contribs moved page Template:Subpage to Template:L/sub without leaving a redirect (templates for creating links should begin with "l/")