Myths/racism is over

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For awhile after the election of Barack Obama as the first Black president, there were claims that racism was no longer a problem, that we are now living in a post-racial America. These claims seem to have subsided, but we remain on the lookout for any specimens in the wild.

It nonetheless seems worth collecting evidence to refute this, since there is so much of it and yet it can be difficult to search for.

Racism was of course a huge factor in drumming up opposition to Obama during the 2008 campaign, and appears to remain a major component of the unreasoning hatred many conservatroll followers seem to feel for him.


  • the many groups which pop up in support of the police any time a police officer wrongly kills a dark-skinned person
    • incidents include Ferguson, George Zimmerman vs. Trayvon Martin, many others
  • the continued existence and activity of the KKK

Discarded Evidence



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