Myths/Republicans are better at creating jobs than Democrats
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- advocate raising minimum wage
- advocate restoring high marginal taxes on the wealthy
- fix deficits by taxing the wealthy while cutting unnecessary fat from government programs
- 2015-01-05 Keystone XL Backfires On Republicans As Democrats Move To Turn Pipeline Into A Real Jobs Bill
- 2015-01-05 CEO Who Said He'd Probably Have To Fire Employees If Obama Won Is Now Giving Them Raises ...according to Siegel, 2014 was a banner year. "We’re experiencing the best year in our history..."... "things have never been better."
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- insist that raising the minimum wage will cost jobs, despite the lack of evidence
- fix deficits by cutting beneficial government programs first, pork last
- refuse to reinstate progressive taxes on the wealthy
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- 2012: Republicans widely predict economic downturn if Obama is re-elected.
- 2015-01-05 CEO Who Said He'd Probably Have To Fire Employees If Obama Won Is Now Giving Them Raises: In the lead-up to the 2012 presidential election, David Siegel, billionaire chief of Florida timeshare company Westgate Resorts, sent an email to all employees. “Of course, as your employer, I can’t tell you whom to vote for,” Siegel wrote, but offered “a few facts that might help you decide what is in your best interest.” These included that re-electing Obama would “threaten your job” and result in “less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.”
- 2014-02-04: A Congressional Budget Office report predicts that millions will be able to quit their jobs because of reduced healthcare costs. Right wing pundits see this as a bad thing.
- Limbaugh deliberately misunderstands this to mean its exact opposite, i.e. that people will be fired:
- Other right-wing media deliberately misunderstand this to mean that Obamacare is incentivizing people to quit their jobs:
- 2014-02-04 The Jobless Care Act[$]: summarized here as claiming that the ACA provides an "in-kind bonus for unemployment," and concluded "now we learn that the law is a job destroyer that is removing rungs from the ladder of upward economic mobility."
- 2014-02-04 Obamacare, work and unintended consequences: So we see with Obamacare. Looking at the latest Congressional Budget Office report, the left, given the talking point from the White House (I kid you not, this is the defense of Obamacare), says 2.5 million jobs aren't going away, it's millions of people who will leave the workforce and/or work less because they get free or subsidized healthcare. Now there's a selling point -- induced sloth to get government benefits. – ignoring the fact that the healthcare is not conditional on being unemployed.
- 2014-02-05 Fox News: Happening Now (host: Jon Scott)(video): summarized here as claiming that the Obama Administration was trying to "sell this as somehow a good thing." Scott went on to ask guest Douglas Holtz-Eakin "can you see in any way that this is a good thing if two million fewer Americans are working in a few years?" -- uh, yes. That means they don't have to work as much. How is this bad, unless you have a work ethic obsession?
- 2014-02-05 Fox News: Fox & Friends (Stuart Varney)(video): summarized here as claiming that the reduction in workers' hours was "a complete reversal of the American work ethic" and that the law has "shifted the whole concept of work."
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- 2013-09-27 Under Christie, N.J. has abysmal record on jobs (h/t; repost: One New Jersey)