Republicans Suck

Revision as of 01:35, 29 March 2016 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (→‎To be elaborated: more stuff)
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Pointless Opposition to Sustainable Energy

Bathroom Laws

It should be noted that there have been more US Senators arrested for misconduct in bathrooms than there have been trans people arrested for same. (Why don't the Republicans warn us of the terrible threat posed by US Senators, and do something about it?)


""This is a common sense bill that protects the privacy expectations of our citizens while clarifying local authority," said Republican Representative Paul Stam."

See G+ post for list of strikes against.


To be elaborated

  • working to weaken labor, strengthen owners, when the opposite is needed:
    • "right to work" laws (dishonest)
    • opposition to minimum wage raises
    • opposition to workplace safety regulation
  • anti-gay laws
  • anti-abortion laws
  • "aid creates dependency"
  • tax cuts for the rich
  • anti-contraception
  • "abstinence-based education"
  • creationism
  • opposition to Obamacare
    • voted 50 times to repeal it
  • repeatedly investigated Benghazi, even after their own committee found no wrongdoing
  • wrote a letter to our enemies weakening our hand in negotiations
  • the whole "birth certificate" nonsense
  • deliberate obstructionism
  • holding the government hostage (fiscal cliff)
  • states' refusal to expand Medicaid under Obamacare
  • requiring welfare recipients to be drug-free
  • obsession with profit and "free" markets, by which they mean more power for the powerful
  • state laws restraining local government:
    • from protecting the rights of gays, trans people, etc.
    • from creating municipal internet
    • from making laws (e.g. zoning) that take accelerated sea-level rise into account
    • from having any autonomy at all (see Michigan, Wisconsin)
  • anti-ecology laws
  • voter ID laws
  • gun control prevention
  • hypocrisy: using "the sanctity of marriage" as an anti-gay argument, while themselves being philanderers
  • horrible mismanagement of states and cities
    • Bobby Jindal
    • Scott Walker
      • wasted taxpayer money by requiring TANF recipients to be tested for drugs
      • Refused Medicaid expansion, despite changing his mind briefly [1]
      • Ignores scientific consensus on global warming, despite admitting he's not a scientist and despite direct evidence in his state
      • officially withdrew a citizen-approved referendum banning Gerrymandering, thus preventing them from being implemented
    • Rick Scott
  • Reprehensible organizations:


  • Republicans Suck: not the site I want to do, but may have some useful information