Republicans Suck

Revision as of 19:12, 26 March 2016 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (→‎Drafts: beginnings of chapter outline, or at least ideas for same)
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  • /intro
  • False beliefs
    • Just-world fallacy
    • Christianity should rule
    • Anyone different is a threat
      • gay people, trans people, people of color, atheists & people of different religions
    • Sex education causes more sex; contraception causes more sex; ABE works
    • We need to reproduce faster
    • (check Myths)
  • Republican Policy Hall of Shame
    • (see list below)
  • Republican Leadership Hall of Shame
    • (see list below)

Bathroom Laws


""This is a common sense bill that protects the privacy expectations of our citizens while clarifying local authority," said Republican Representative Paul Stam."

See G+ post for list of strikes against.


To be elaborated

  • anti-gay laws
  • anti-abortion laws
  • "aid creates dependency"
  • tax cuts for the rich
  • anti-contraception
  • "abstinence-based education"
  • creationism
  • opposition to Obamacare
  • states' refusal to expand Medicaid under Obamacare
  • requiring welfare recipients to be drug-free
  • obsession with profit and "free" markets, by which they mean more power for the powerful
  • state laws restraining local government:
    • from protecting the rights of gays, trans people, etc.
    • from creating municipal internet
    • from making laws (e.g. zoning) that take accelerated sea-level rise into account
    • from having any autonomy at all (see Michigan, Wisconsin)
  • voter ID laws
  • gun control prevention
  • hypocrisy: using "the sanctity of marriage" as an anti-gay argument, while themselves being philanderers
  • horrible mismanagement of states and cities
    • Bobby Jindal
    • Scott Walker
      • wasted taxpayer money by requiring TANF recipients to be tested for drugs
      • Refused Medicaid expansion, despite changing his mind briefly [1]
      • Ignores scientific consensus on global warming, despite admitting he's not a scientist and despite direct evidence in his state
      • officially withdrew a citizen-approved referendum banning Gerrymandering, thus preventing them from being implemented
    • Rick Scott
  • Reprehensible organizations:


  • Republicans Suck: not the site I want to do, but may have some useful information