This is an ongoing crosspost from Nextdoor.
title: Bull Durham Hall of Nextdoor Excremence
As a companion piece to the Disinformation Log (https://nextdoor.com/p/5qzt4X_5-w-y?view=detail), I feel it's time to start a BS Log.
That way, obvious BS comments can be noted as such without having to dig into the rich and aromatic fecundity therein -- and their authors can be forever commemorated for their contribution to the Augean Stables that constitutes political discourse today.
My inspiration was this bit from Randall Jones https://nextdoor.com/p/PDKY_7j2yrB7/c/697582040?utm_source=share (2021-12-10):
All that’s missing is the cheese from this whine feast of Democrats always crying elections aren’t fair when they lose.
Joe Biden got 80 million votes???
Joe Biden got more of the black vote than BHO???
How ignorant does one have to be to believe this??