Transnegation Roundup/2020/09/20/1

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No Right to Access Single-Sex Spaces

  • 2020-09-20 06:57 @AnnMSinnott This a distortion of the law. Trans people do not have a legal right to access single-sex spaces. They can be excluded if it is a proportionate means to achieve a legitimate aim. Such exclusion doesn't equate to gender reassignment discrimination -Equality Act Sch 3, Part 7, s28

At all? Did she really mean to say that? That would be, like, unless there's a "trans bathroom", you can't use the loo.

However, the law doesn't seem to back up Ann's conclusion that "trans people do not have a legal right to access single-sex spaces". As far as I can tell, it says the opposite: they may not be denied access or harassed, regardless of the provider's religion or sexual orientation. Details are in "Section 29", see below.

  1. The link given is bad. Hunting through, it was apparently never correct, but in May 2013 there was a redirect in place which had disappeared by 2018. I got the correct link by letting follow that redirect.