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This is by Joe Moran, cross-posted from Nextdoor.


A Synopsis of President Biden’s Failures

Biden: “We need to eliminate gerrymandering and to make it easier & not harder for citizens to vote.”
Congressional Republicans: “No, sir, we do not.”
Biden: “We need to get away from burning fossil fuels to ensure a healthy planet for our kids.”
Congressional Republicans: “No, sir, we do not.”
Biden: “We need to extend and increase the child tax credit in order to assist struggling families.”
Congressional Republicans: “No, sir, we do not.”
Biden: “We need to do something about the glut of weapons and all the killings and gun carnage in America.”
Congressional Republicans: “No, sir, we do not.”
Biden: “You owe it to America’s vulnerable to stop blocking every humane initiative I come up with.”
Congressional Republicans: “No, sir, we do not.”
Biden: “To save our democracy, you need to say openly that the last election was not rigged.”
Congressional Republicans: “No, sir, we do not – and will not.”
(Biden: “C’mon. guys; stop kissing Trump’s behind just to protect your sorry-ass political futures.”
Congressional Republicans: “What? You kidding? Why would we want to do that?? Ha-ha-ha-ha”).