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Trans Day of Visibility
posted to Nextdoor
Harena and Woozle at home, terrorizing small children with our existence

Hi! I'm trans, and I thought I should be visible today. I'm the one with the glasses, and the other one is my partner since 2002. I discovered I was trans right at the beginning of 2000, after three decades of knowing there was something going on with me gender-wise.

An online friend posted this today:


A local rightwing grifter/political operator doxxed this social media to my employer and called me a "trans terrorist threat" who would shoot up the school I work at.


Seeing the way gay people were treated in the 80s through early 2000s, I knew the day would come when the fash would move on to trans people as a target once there got to be enough of us that we started being recognized legally, so I'm probably one of the few trans people you'll meet who isn't freaking out about the genocide-level attacks against us in various red states across the US.

I knew it was coming, I knew that fascism tends to prosper in conditions of increasing economic disparity. I knew it was going to be bad, and here we are -- today's scapegoats-of-convenience for all the problems the authoritarians are causing for everyone but don't want to be accountable for because they don't believe in accountability; the rage-farming rhetoric gets together with terrified gun-fanaticism and they go on jolly killing sprees together (for America and freedom(tm), I guess).

A good article to read: 2023-03-31 Trans people deserve better journalism


Journalists are failing at more than just reporting on the science. Mainstream publications like the Times increasingly follow the lead of anti-trans agitators, treating what should be understood as a fundamental human rights battle more like a semantic “debate,” fixating on terminology and labels and medical minutiae, instead of humanizing trans and nonbinary people and their experiences. In fact, this has become such a contentious pattern at the Times that this February, contributors and members of the Times’s staff posted an open letter protesting the paper’s escalating bias toward anti-trans talking points and pointing out many of these tactics.


(The next right-winger who refers to the NY Times as left-leaning will get laughed at by me and a lot of other woke (i.e. well-informed and wise) people.)

So anyway, just to give you an idea of what shenanigans us transfolk are up to right now -- here's my Trans Agenda(tm) for today:

  • take youngest kid to Easter party at a friend's house
  • grocery shopping
  • start dinner a bit early, so next-youngest's gf (who has been visiting) can partake before she has to fly back home
  • take aforementioned to airport
  • read book out loud to partner for bedtime (currently going through all of Agatha Christie)
  • sleep

I hope your day goes well, especially if you aren't planning on doxxing anyone or shooting up their school. <3