User:Woozle/drafts/group invite

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Nextdoor wants me to do this, so...

I started this group awhile back as an alternative to the authoritarian-controlled"Politics" group that's been here for a couple of years. I finally got kicked off of the other group for unspecified reasons (because that's just how they roll) a few days ago, so decided it was time to step up my activity on this one.

Here's the link:

Everyone who is interested is welcome to join -- though I *will* boot people out if they spend too much time being super-annoying. I recommend reading the pinned post for guidelines as to how to interact over highly-charged issues without the discussion becoming another rage-farmed dumpsterfire.

(Image: photo of banner at Moe's BBQ in Durham. Its presence here does not imply endorsement by Moe's; the point is that we *try* to be the good people, when it often seems like the folks we're fighting against are doing the opposite.)