Transnegation Roundup/2020/08/07/1

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Even the US Has Anti-Trans Bigotry; Who Knew

The Wedge Issue That’s Dividing Trumpworld (via): "A group of social conservatives wants the president to embrace anti-transgender issues to reverse his sagging poll numbers. Some Trump advisers think it's political suicide."

In a way, this is good: even among Trumpnazis, attacking trans rights isn't a guaranteed win.

That said, it cites a Republican strategist repeating the "men-I-mean-trans-women to compete in women's sports is unfair" trope, because it's what got the most negative reactions -- including from Democrats. The same strategist is apparently planning to use the "forcing young kids to transition" and "de-transitioning is common" tropes against Biden in this year's presidential election.

Also note who is on the Trump side (of course): Concerned Women for America, yet another group (in this case, a right-wing hate group) posing as supporting women while actually being the opposite.