Normal News/1
The Normal News & Rational Enquirer Is reality doing okay? - vol. 1 #1 - 2024-03-21 (maybe)
1: Saudi Arabia
Why are we "friends" with Saudi Arabia when they treat half their population so badly?
2: What the Right Thinks
2.1 about gay people
Why do "conservatives" think it's okay to assume gay people are child-molesters?
2.2 about totalitarianism
Why does the GOP say they aren't Nazis when they are actively supporting people who openly say they will turn the US into a dictatorship?
2.3 about the Constitution
Why do they say they love the Constitution, when they clearly want to override or eliminate it?
2.4 about trans people
Why do they think it's wrong for trans women to be surfers?
- 2024-03-16 Behind the Curl
Why does the UK's "conservative" government think it's important to prevent trans kids from having puberty-blockers while still allowing cis kids to have them? Don't they understand the harm this will do? Why is the Right claiming that these drugs are dangerous when they are not? If they're dangerous, why are they still allowing cis kids to have them?
Why do some Republicans think that girls should have to have their genitals inspected before being allowed to compete on girls' sports teams?
One possible general answer to these questions:
3. Weird Spin
3.1 on climate change
Here's a bit of WTF:
- 2024-02-27 How a Solar Revolution in Farming Is Depleting World’s Groundwater
- commentary: 2024-03-17
3.2 on Trumpaging extremism
Why did the New York Times say that "How Trump’s Allies Are Winning the War Over Disinformation" when what they clearly meant was something more like "Pro-Trump Disinformation Is Fooling Voters" or even "Trump World's Lies Are Conquering Inconvenient Reality"?[1]
Also, why didn't the New York Times front page have anything about Donald Trump's speech in Ohio where he said that immigrants aren't people and "there will be a bloodbath" if he loses again in 2024?
4. What the Media Thinks
Why does the media think the government should enable people to profit off other people's needs and also ensure that those people can deny that support if they don't make enough profit?
- 2024-03-16
5. on climate change
Why do some people still not "believe in" climate change even when it whacks them in the face?
- 2024-03-17 Swept Away: $600,000 Sand Dune Built To Protect Beachfront Homes
- I can maybe-understand not really viscerally getting the science – but even for those who prefer to go with "gut feelings", why aren't they feeling this in the gut?
- 2024-03-19 U.N. warns planet 'on the brink' after warmest decade on record
- Why would any sane person vote for Donald Trump?
- Why are we still doing fracking? Why are we still trying to build new fossil pipelines?
- Do real people ask the right-wing questions on Quora, or are they actually generated by an LLM with the instructions "ask a question that echoes a right-wing talking-point as cluelessly as possible"? This week's examples:
- «Why do you scumbag liberals always defend the criminality of the China bought and paid for Biden family?» [1]
- 2024-03-21 (cough cough) Republican Leader Can't Name A Thing China Received From Supposed Biden Crimes
- «If Fox news is according to the left, such a discredited news source, how do you explain how they beat CNN and MSNBC in ratings for so many years in a row?» [2]
- «What kind of horrid thoughts go on inside the brain of a Democrat that allows them to ignore or dismiss what they are doing to this country?» [3] - yet another reality-inversion, every accusation is a confession...
- «Why do you scumbag liberals always defend the criminality of the China bought and paid for Biden family?» [1]
- ↑ h/t Parker Molloy 2024-03-18: Coming Down from 'Me Mountain'
Internal Notes
Things to add:
- Why do some people insist on conflating leaders with the people they lead? (I mean, how would you like to be blamed for everything Trump did while in office?)
- anti-LGBTQ stuff: