Revision as of 23:53, 22 June 2016 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (→Wingnut Organizations: Verity, Faithful Word)
A wingnut is a person who advocates or believes one or more forms of wingnuttery.
Prominent Wingnuts
- Andy Schlafly
- Ann Coulter
- Ben Stein
- Bryan Fischer: see also The Bryan Fischer Award
- David Duke, former KKK Grand Wizard
- e.g. [1]
- Fred Phelps (dominionism): largely out of the spotlight now, but once the primary motivator of Westboro Baptist Church
- Glenn Beck
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe: libertarian right-wingnut
- Michael Savage
- Jerome Corsi [W]
- Jim Inhofe
- Pat Buchanan
- Rush Limbaugh: see Issuepedia
- Sarah Palin [W]
- Steve Stockman: US Representative who believes that global warming could be caused by Earth's magnetic field, and submitted a bill to make this belief into law. (h/t)
- Ted Cruz
- Ted Nugent
Wingnuts on Social Media
- James Stamulis "Christian conservative loyal to God, family and Constitution. I also stand by Israel and America's true allies."
- Too, a Trump fan: endless evasions and logical distortions
- Tyler Williamson "Since you can't physically see Darwinian evolution happening believing that that theory is true takes faith. You have no physical evidence that it happened."[2]
Wingnut Organizations
- Back to the Bible Holiness Church (Buford, GA)
- Faithful Word Baptist Church (Tempe, AZ)
- Stedfast Baptist Church (Fort Worth, TX)
- Verity Baptist Church (Sacramento, CA)