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m (Woozle moved page User:Republicans Suck to Republicans Suck without leaving a redirect: take 2...)
(22 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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* [[/intro]]
* [[/intro]]
* False beliefs
* [[/badness]]
** Just-world fallacy
* [[/political philosophy]]
** Christianity should rule
* [[/dysconservatism]]
** Anyone different is a threat
* [[/counterfactualism]]
*** gay people, trans people, people of color, atheists & people of different religions
** [[/imaginary threats]]
** Sex education causes more sex; contraception causes more sex; ABE works
** [[/real threats dismissed]]
** We need to reproduce faster
** [[/just-world fallacy]]
** (check [[Myths]])
** [[/government dependence]]
* Republican Policy Hall of Shame
** [[/political correctness]]
** (see list below)
* [[/moral absolutism]]
* Republican Leadership Hall of Shame
** [[/Christian extremism]]
** (see list below)
* [[/Trump]]
* [[/bad Democrats]]
* [[/policies]]
* [[/leadership]]
==Bathroom Laws==
Not sure if this is on-topic:
* [[/right-wing assholery]]
* Articles:
** [http://www.buzzfeed.com/dominicholden/north-carolina-lgbt-discrimintion BuzzFeed] ([https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MarlaCaldwell/posts/ZD45ZpMq7pW via])
** [http://www.hrc.org/blog/five-things-to-know-about-north-carolinas-newest-radical-anti-lgbt-law HRC]
** [http://www.aol.com/article/2016/03/24/nc-governor-signs-bill-repealing-charlotte-transgender-bathroom/21332911/ AOL] (warning: autoplay video)
** '''2016-03-24'''
*** [http://usuncut.com/resistance/north-carolina-anti-lgbt-bathroom-law/ Trans Man Destroys North Carolina’s Anti-LGBT Law in One Brilliant Tweet] ([https://plus.google.com/u/0/+PaulaRizzuto/posts/PLccdTomE8s via])
*** [http://www.wral.com/nc-discrimination-law-creates-business-backlash/15598305/ NC discrimination law creates business backlash] ([https://plus.google.com/u/0/110399510880870866116/posts/9SjeBFuwUJo via])
*** [http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article68167342.html Protesters of bill restricting LGBT protections arrested outside Governor’s Mansion]
*** [http://www.indyweek.com/news/archives/2016/03/25/the-morning-roundup-welcome-to-the-fallout-day-2-weve-really-screwed-the-pooch-here-havent-we Welcome to the Fallout, Day 2. We’ve Really Screwed the Pooch Here, Haven’t We?]
*** [http://www.indyweek.com/news/archives/2016/03/25/department-of-public-relations-this-is-what-the-rest-of-the-country-thinks-of-us-right-now Department of Public Relations: This Is What the Rest of the Country Thinks of Us Right Now] (humorous video)
* Post: [https://plus.google.com/u/0/102282887764745350285/posts/Hy7N4bp6yGA G+]
""This is a common sense bill that protects the privacy expectations of our citizens while clarifying local authority," said Republican Representative Paul Stam."
See G+ post for list of strikes against.
* http://thecolu.mn/22648/44-mn-house-republicans-back-ban-on-transgender-employees-using-the-bathroom
** http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2016/03/23/the-war-on-bathrooms/
==To be elaborated==
* anti-gay laws
* anti-abortion laws
* "aid creates dependency"
* tax cuts for the rich
* anti-contraception
* "abstinence-based education"
* creationism
* opposition to Obamacare
* states' refusal to expand Medicaid under Obamacare
* requiring welfare recipients to be drug-free
* obsession with profit and "free" markets, by which they mean more power for the powerful
* state laws restraining local government:
** from protecting the rights of gays, trans people, etc.
** from creating municipal internet
** from making laws (e.g. zoning) that take accelerated sea-level rise into account
** from having any autonomy at all (see Michigan, Wisconsin)
* voter ID laws
* gun control prevention
* hypocrisy: using "the sanctity of marriage" as an anti-gay argument, while themselves being philanderers
** http://gawker.com/national-enquirer-ted-cruz-has-had-at-least-5-extramar-1767002606
** Newt Gingrich
* horrible mismanagement of states and cities
** Bobby Jindal
** Scott Walker
*** wasted taxpayer money by requiring TANF recipients to be tested for drugs
*** Refused Medicaid expansion, despite changing his mind briefly [http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/florida-governors-conscience-takes-costly-turn?cid=sm_tw_msnbc]
*** Ignores scientific consensus on global warming, despite admitting he's not a scientist and despite direct evidence in his state
*** officially withdrew a citizen-approved referendum banning Gerrymandering, thus preventing them from being implemented
** Rick Scott
* Reprehensible organizations:
** {{l/wp|Conservatives for Patients' Rights}}
** {{l/wp|Swift Boat Veterans for Truth}}
* [http://republicanssucks.org/ Republicans Suck]: not the site I want to do, but may have some useful information
* [http://republicanssucks.org/ Republicans Suck]: not the site I want to do, but may have some useful information
* http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/07/25/1316539/-That-FL-CEO-Who-Said-He-d-FIRE-Everyone-if-Obama-Elected-Guess-What-Happened - Republican myths don't just harm poor people. This CEO believed them and tried to compel his workers to ''vote against his and their best interests''.
* https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/courts_law/supreme-court-rejects-conservative-bid-to-count-only-eligible-voters-for-districts/2016/04/04/67393e52-fa6f-11e5-9140-e61d062438bb_story.html - more inconsistency: the court ''did'' reinstate "one person one vote". The dysconservatives wanted "one qualified voter, one vote".

Latest revision as of 01:34, 7 February 2025


Not sure if this is on-topic:


  • Republicans Suck: not the site I want to do, but may have some useful information
