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                "title": "Republican Party",
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                        "*": "{{page/status/seedling|Sources are needed.}}\n==Negatives==\n* make the most noise about fiscal responsibility, but implement irresponsible [[issuepedia:US Republican Party/fiscal policy|fiscal policy]].\n** want to spend more money on wars\n*** ...but not interested in paying for said wars through raised taxes\n*** ...but not interested in taking care of the veterans of said wars\n* use {{l/sub|small government}} arguments to get what they want while actually [[/large government|making government more oppressive]]\n* favor private wealth-concentration over conservation of common wealth\n** oppose environmental regulation\n** support [[global warming denial]]\n* oppose funding for:\n** public education\n** public health\n** public safety\n* endorse religion as a basis for governance ([[dominionism]]); anti-secular\n* take many positions that cannot be defended rationally (typically for religious reasons):\n** anti-science\n** against sex education\n** against easy access to contraceptives\n** against bodily autonomy for women\n** favor racial profiling over more accurate methods of identifying criminals\n** oppose any kind of marriage or sexual relations ''except'' heterosexual\n*** formerly used many of the same (bad) arguments to defend opposition to \"interracial\" marriages\n* favor [[issuepedia:authoritarianism|authoritarian]], top-down society with high inequality\n** pro-patriarchy\n** pro-plutonomy:\n*** embrace the idea of selling principles to the highest bidder\n*** against income taxation, especially of the wealthy and large businesses (i.e. the major funders of their campaigns)\n** tend to believe the [[issuepedia:fairness fallacy|\"just world\" fallacy]]\n** unsympathetic to [[/poverty|those in need]]\n* originated and support the \"[[war on terror]]\"\n* originated and support the \"[[war on drugs]]\"\n* high level of tribalism (draw sharp line between \"us\" and \"them\"; expect unquestioning loyalty to \"us\")\n* <s>supported [[wikipedia:Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008|the Wall Street bailout]]</s> actually, it looks like more Democrats [ voted] for this\n* 2010: after complaining that action on a [ small-business jobs bill] was taking too long, Republicans [ effectively blocked] passage of the bill when it was up for a vote.\n===Pages===\n* government \"size\":\n** [[/large government]]: Republicans support larger, more oppressive government when it suits them.\n** [[/small government]]: Republicans exploit popular support of [[small government]] ideals for their own benefit.\n* [[/poverty]]\n\n===News Items===\n* '''2010-07-29''' [ Senate Republicans Block Bill Supporting Small Business] \"In a display that can best be described as insane, Senate Republicans demanded all week that the chamber act on the small-business-incentives measure, and not waste time with measures like campaign-finance reform. But this morning, when the small-business package was ready to move, [ Republicans balked].\"\n* '''2014-10-16''' [ Don't Let The Republican Tactic of Suppress and Confuse Steal Your Voice]: a brief list of Republican attempts at voter-suppression laws, and their status as of this date\n* '''2014-10-22''' [ GOP mailer attacking Elizabeth Warren on TARP bailout misleading]: Warren did ''not'' endorse the Wall Street bailout; she criticized it.\n* '''2014-11-09'''\n** [ Navy Appoints First Ever Atheist Lay Leader, Right Wing Freakout Ensues] \"Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee objected strenuously saying that a secular humanist chaplain would make a mockery of the chaplaincy and denigrate religious soldiers and their families.\" -- an expression of [[dominionism]]\n** [ Ted Cruz Threatens To Block Attorney General Nominee]: Republicans threaten to block Attorney General nominee over non-existent problem\n* '''2014-11-10''' [ Tweet]: \"\"Net Neutrality\" is Obamacare for the Internet; the Internet should not operate at the speed of government.\" Implies that Obamacare is slow and inefficient; implies that net neutrality will slow down the internet. False on both counts (although lack of net neutrality would make it possible for elites to purchase faster speed for their sites -- which would be consistent with the Republican view that {{l/sub|only elites matter}}.)\n** [ The Oatmeal] helpfully explains [[net neutrality]] to SenTedCruz.\n** '''2014-11-15''' [ Ted Cruz Doubles Down On Misunderstanding The Internet & Net Neutrality, As Republican Engineers Call Him Out For Ignorance]\n** '''2014-11-17''' [ Al Franken Explains Why Ted Cruz Doesn\u2019t Understand The Internet]\n* '''2014-12-04''' [ Republicans Vow To Punish Poor People With Higher Taxes Because Of Obama's Executive Action]: Republicans aren't above taking their own constituents hostage when they don't get their way ([ h/t])\n* '''2014-12-05''' [ Government Shutdown Talks May Gut Retirement Security Rule]: ''\"The policy would impose a \"fiduciary duty\" on financial professionals who oversee retirement accounts, barring them from considering the potential profits of their own firm when choosing investments. Instead, investment managers would have to pick stocks, bonds and other assets based only on what was in the best interest of retirees.\"'' Never mind helping the poor; Republicans won't even act to protect individual investors. ''\"Republicans are pushing a budget rider that would require the Labor Department to mediate its rule with the more corporate-friendly Securities and Exchange Commission, which financial reform experts said they believe would render the proposal toothless, if it ever made it out of the bureaucratic negotiations at all. The GOP-led House has voted to block the Labor Department from moving forward with the rule in the past.\"''\n* '''2014-12-23''' [ Republicans: It's OK to admit you were wrong] ([ h/t]) \"Here in Alabama, the Republicans have been wrong about taxes, the state budget, closing Veteran's Assistance offices, Medicaid expansion, and the effectiveness of corporate welfare because all they talked about during the election was who hated Obama more than their opponent. .. They were wrong about trying to put the Ten Commandments in the courthouse and wrong about trying to make Christianity the state religion.\"\n* '''2015-01-07''' [ Congress Introduces A National Abortion Ban On Its Very First Day Back] ([ h/t]) \"Reps. Trent Franks (R-AZ) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) reintroduced the [ Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act], the same legislation that successfully [ passed the House] last year.\"\n* '''2015-02-03''' [ Paul Ryan puts on a mask that doesn't fit] ([ G+]) \"Jon Chait, [ understandably gobsmacked] by Ryan\u2019s nutty rhetoric, noted that it's Obama who has pushed for a series of federal policies that reduce inequality and transfer resources from the top down, while the far-right Wisconsinite has done the polar opposite, rejecting the president\u2019s ideas and pushing an economic agenda that would slash taxes even more on the very wealthy...\"\n* '''2015-02-26''' [ How Ohio Pulled $4 Billion+ from Communities and Redistributed It Upwards]\n** [ Another republican horror story.]\n* '''2015-02-27''' [ U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry]\n* '''2015-03-05''' [ Republicans' \"Internet Freedom Act\" would wipe out net neutrality] \"Once the federal government establishes a foothold into managing how Internet service providers run their networks they will essentially be deciding which content goes first, second, third, or not at all...\" &mdash; US Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) -- except that this is untrue, and her legislation would leave the door open for the ISPs to do exactly that.\n* '''2015-03-18''' [ Tenn. GOPer slams Volkswagen: Creating 200,000 jobs is \u2018intentionally\u2019 a \u2018magnet for unionized labor\u2019]: do they want to create jobs or not??\n* '''2015-05-20''' [ North Carolina sues FCC over municipal broadband]: NC's Republican state government prefers monopolies over competition\n* '''2015-06-03''' [ North Carolina's solar industry is booming. So why are state Republicans threatening to strangle it?]\n* '''2015-06-24''' [ North Carolina Legislature could gut lake, river protections]: Republicans prefer profits over a healthy and aesthetic environment\n* '''2015-07-03''' [ Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee added riders to a spending bill that would limit the White House\u2019s ability to require contractor disclosure] and other things. This post needs to be combed for specifics and sources.\n\n==Positives==\nCWRE is seeking input regarding positive aspects of the Republican Party versus other parties. We are not aware of any at this time.\n==Links==\n* [[issuepedia:US Republican Party]]\n* [[issuepedia:US/NC/gov]]: some details of what happened after the Republican Party took over North Carolina's state government\n* [ Bernie Sanders: meme about Republicans]\n==Notes==\nThere was considerable back-and-forth regarding criticism of the above points in comments [ here]; these should probably be mapped out somewhere."
            "88": {
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                "title": "Republican Party/large government",
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                        "*": "The [[Republican Party]] frequently claims to favor {{l/same|small government}}. While this support would be of [[small government|dubious value]] even if it were genuine, it is not; the GOP frequently and reliably take actions which increase the size and overall oppressiveness of government.\n==Actions==\n* created the incompetent and oppressive TSA\n** replaced private contractors with government employees\n* created the \"[[/DHS|Department of Homeland Security]]\"\n** a completely unnecessary agency\n** further [[conservatrollism|trolling]] us by giving it an Orwellonym\n* consistently resist efforts to reduce US torture or close US torture facilities []\n* support laws restricting women's control of their own bodies\n** support laws giving a woman fewer rights than her fetus\n* support laws restricting what individuals are allowed to purchase, drink/eat, or inhale\n** are the driving force between the [[war on drugs]], which is responsible for\n*** unprecedented mass incarceration\n*** expansion of the police state and police powers\n* support laws imposing specific religious beliefs on others\n** support government-sponsored religious propaganda\n*** mandatory prayer in schools\n*** \"Ten Commandments\" monuments on government property\n*** \"Ten Commandments\" and other religious posters in courtrooms and classrooms\n*** religious displays on government property\n* support laws requiring children to repeat government propaganda (the [[issuepedia:US Pledge of Allegiance|Pledge of Allegiance]])\n* greatly expanded Presidential powers when there was a Republican president, increasing governmental power over overall (except in certain areas)\n** didn't do anything substantial to reduce those powers after a Democrat became president\n* started two unnecessary wars, increasing military funding to disastrous proportions\n** pursued those wars with extraordinary incompetence, especially fiscal\n* support state laws preventing municipalities from creating their own internet service providers\n* 2012: opposed legislation to give small businesses tax breaks for hiring more workers []\n==Links==\n* '''2012-07-11''' [ Senate Republicans To Block Bill Giving Tax Breaks To Small Businesses For Hiring]\n* '''2015-01-03''' [ Oklahoma Legislator To Introduce Bill Making Wearing Hoodies Illegal] \"[[Republican Party|Republican]] Senator Don Barrington will introduce [ the bill], which would make it a misdemeanor to \u201cwear a mask, hood, or covering\u201d either while committing a crime or in order to intentionally conceal one\u2019s identity. If the bill is passed, offenders would be subject to a fine of $50 to $500, and up to one year in jail. The ban would not affect mask-wearers on Halloween or at masquerade parties, nor would it apply to people who wear head coverings for religious purposes.\" ...because penalizing people for doing something while committing a crime will certainly stop them from doing it.\n* '''2015-01-07''' [ Congress Introduces A National Abortion Ban On Its Very First Day Back] ([ h/t]) \"Reps. Trent Franks (R-AZ) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) reintroduced the [ Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act], the same legislation that successfully [ passed the House] last year.\"\n* '''2015-01-11''' [ New Utah Law Instructs Cops To Seize Uninsured Vehicles] ([ h/t]): backed by Republican {{l/wp|Lyle W. Hillyard}}, the law changes what was once an option into a mandate.\n* '''2015-01-15''' [ Obama pushes Guantanamo population even lower] \"Key Senate Republicans on Tuesday unveiled legislation that would effectively block President Barack Obama from fulfilling his pledge to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, before he leaves office in two years.\"\n* '''2015-01-26''' [ Republicans, Fiscally Responsible?]\n* '''2015-03-27''' [ Arizona lawmaker wants church attendance to be mandatory] ([ h/t]) \"We are slowly eroding religion at every opportunity that we have. We should probably be debating a bill requiring every American to attend a church of their choice on Sunday to see if we can get back to having a moral rebirth\" &ndash; Sen. Sylvia Allen, R-Snowflake, AZ\n* '''2015-05-14''' [ Michigan Bill Would Gut Local Business Regulation]: Apparently \"large government\" is more than welcome as long as it's preventing smaller government from operating."